Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Taking it all in..

Only 575 days until graduation.

I’ve been in the program for 98 days.

These 98 days have gone by so quickly, yet I’ll keep saying, “they’ve been so rewarding”. I think the most important thing I’ve learned this last month is to really take in and value my time in San Francisco.

Last Thursday was Cohort 39’s second internship meeting with Dr. Cellini. For this meeting, Cohort 37 joined us to not only share their experiences, but to give us advice as well. Just like all the professors, they advised us to constantly network, because you never know who someone knows. It was a great opportunity to not only hear what their interests are and the jobs they have, but how far a long they’ve come in the program and what they have left. Although our interests may vary, we all have had ups and downs along the same lines. These struggles and successes have helped mold us into the people we are becoming, and who knows how much more we can grow. Even from our first internship meeting, I’ve seen a huge change in myself as well as my classmates. These are the moments I’ll value. It’s humbling already to know how far we’ve come; it makes the future that much more exciting. Although I have no idea what is in store for my future, I’m confident in the direction I’m going.

Between the first and second internship meeting, my class and I revised our career ‘game plans’ that includes current jobs that will help us obtain our dream job. When I first started the program, I wanted any and every opportunity that came my way. Although a few did not fall in the sports media category, as great as those jobs are, they helped me realize how much I do want to work in media. So, I made it a goal to start looking and trying to get a job working in that industry.

About two and a half weeks ago, I took a position at the Pac-12 Networks. It is really exciting because sports media is the industry I want to pursue a career in. It has been great so far and I have already fallen in love (again) with sports media. I have always been told to make it in media, you have to start at a small company. So when I got multiple callbacks and eventually the position I was really surprised. I still pinch myself because it is honestly such a cool job and place to work. This is where I have learned to open my eyes and take it all in. There’s no guarantee with what this job could turn into, but only a few are given an opportunity like this.

Although some positions I have are only temporary or internships, it’s only times like these where I do not mind being called a student or an intern. Companies love interns, or part-time employees who are doing a lot of work for a little pay. I only have 575 more days left of being a student, so these are the moments I plan to value and take advantage of while in San Francisco. It is moments like these that have allowed me to learn even more than I ever thought I could (and build up my résumé of course).

Not only have I learned a lot, but also this program has allowed me to transition into what it’s like to have a real job or a busy work schedule. I only graduated from Arkansas back in May, so it was somewhat of an identity crisis those first few months. My friends at other graduate programs go to school a few days a week, not giving them a free schedule to go out and explore with job opportunities.  

In 575 days when I graduate, I know I’ll have a lot smoother of a transition into the ‘full time employee’ status compared to those friends. But until then, I’ll be taking in every bit of San Francisco.